Why does my boyfriend eat oatmeal like this?
Cars that never left the Giants stadium commuter lot after 9/11
I have a handful of 2025 -2027 cases. If you're interested send me message I can do 90$ free shipping anywhere in the us
13x13 Return
Campaign is...Meh (Resistance)
Danny Burgers wins the bad player fans divided box. We move on to everyone’s favorite row. The hated players. Starting with good player hated by the fans
Found this in the wild… does it belong here?
Is this design okay for a dirst responder?
"Buy Canadian Instead" signs going up in BC Liquor stores
Just Added to the Collection!
Just picked this up at my LCS
I wasn't allowed to keep my brain tumour after removal, so they took a photo of it for me mid-surgery instead! + wound recovery
37 State USA
Lets support our allies to the North
Best Craving-Killer Dessert
Please devs 👉👈
I Got Really High
I think this belongs here
The “Brownie” from a hungry man meal…
This ~1947 Lone Ranger Atomic “B*mb” ring contained radioactive Polonium-210. It was distributed by Kix cereal in exchange for 15 cents and a box top.
Josh Gottheimer is doing everything he can to help Trump and the GOP. Let's make sure he never makes it anywhere near Governor's office.
How is this not Ex 😭
Easily One of the Coolest Full Arts I've Ever Seen!
Advice/Opinion Needed
Irish Pub in my town