Should I join if I’m not a fan of the adm?
Major Depression
Fair warning: Bans will be going out more freely for personal attacks, and divisive political comments.
Son wants to be a pilot.
Email standards must improve
How do you officially declare a religion in the Air Force?
PIF Regulations
Weekly Newbie Thread - Post questions about joining the Space Force or what a job is like here & here only - week of January 20
r/AirForce mods are the real heroes this political season
Mods, decide if you’re serious or not.
What military course has been most useful to your career?
So what about rule #2?
Transferring Schools
can i do part time college?
Rated Board
ROTC contract?
Space Force vs Air Force
January 2025 Inauguration and political megathread. Low moderation thread. Political discussion allowed, other rules still apply.
150s experience
Does the pfa matter when youre a poc
Weekly Newbie Thread - Post questions about joining the Space Force or what a job is like here & here only - week of January 13
College Education While Enlisted?
500 year doing Masters or double majoring?
How could the OTC situation been handled better by the USSF?