Your favorite Anime/Manga in your opinion?
Gruzínske légie sa vylodili v Amérike. Začína mejdan.
I mean, you should've seen this coming
Ženy (aj muži) čo je to s vami?
choose your anime ability and let the first person to reply choose a side effect
Gardevoir (sana!rpg)
Pokemons at work + special bonus;)
No smoking bro
Cyberstore (but upgraded)
Animation depicting what addiction feels like
What is the Humanity cost for my new chrome?
Som na úplnom dne
To help some men with nofap
Slovenskí študenti bí lajk:
Moving one inch at a time for a long time
Who wins, mildy above average man with brass knuckles or Chimpanzee
What, for you, Is the most annoying cliche in animation?
Wow… that’s a new one lol
Oh shit
I love a good anime banger
Akú osobnostnú vlastnosť nedokážete vystáť na človeku
Preboha ich je viac?
The world is in danger
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