Another 20 bilions to Israel
This sub right now
How I think season 4 would go
Women have never existed. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
My therizino buggin
How do I Unlock Rhamphorrhynchis and is it worth buying them individually with bucks?
S3E7 Ending: Why Didn't Mark Just Lie?
Lib-right: *laughs in free marketese*
Libs of Reddit
The giga tourney so far in a nutshell
Like is it my Indoraptor gang the problem I just got the Scorpius Rex btw so its not that why am I facing a lvl 100+ tournament creatures
Democrats try not to be cringe challenge [IMPOSSIBLE 🤯]
But actually, why is Angstrom targeting THIS Invincible?
[META] Has Left started fairing up as Right to obscure opinions? Been noticing a lot of flaired right having clearly flaired left takes lately...
Anyone else starting to get bored of this modifier combo. It's the giga minor inconvenience modifier pack
This is what the Bibble predicted.
Business baby solos the invincivers btw🗣🔥💯
Charlie cuck is coming to my campus today. What should I say to him?
What are some quality of life changes y’all hope for?
How it feels watching pcm become part of the reddit hivemind
In Trump We Trust
Typical conversation with your average Western European on Reddit.
No shit it’s not normal, why don’t you actually do something about it?
Rep. Melanie Stansbury, D-N.M., holding a sign before Trump delivers joint address to Congress
Democrats play invisible ping pong and Republicans are just clapping seals. Yup, the honeymoon phase is officially over.