So apparently Cyro Dolmens don't have collision enabled.
Is the best gear still trial-only?
Recs for wlw books including trans women?
***For Fun*** Build Your Own "X-MEN LEGACY" Roster Using Only 1 Character From Each of the Following Images:
MMOs where you can group up from the start?
My Marvel Characters Roster Project - Progress
Thinking about getting back into the game. Where do people get builds from?
[general] The right amount of confusion, or did I miss a lot?
Imagine you were allowed to wear 2 Mythic items. Which 2 would you wear?
no major youtubers/content creators making new dps builds for u44?
Why is my dps - not just low but entirely negligible?
Need help to improve my DPS on my stamina nightblade. Currently 85k, hoping to reach 100k
Solo Tanking?
Help: PvE Bow Build - Base Game Content
What do you think of the current state of the game?
Build question
Question about Warden Tanks in endgame content
Guidance on “meta” build?
Are Dots a thing?
Beginner advice
Rant: “We don’t allow” whatever game play crap
Elemental Drain vs Piercing Mark
Something not right
How strict is the game about the Meta/Builds for the endgame content (Dungeons, Trials etc.)?`