Ay yo where 🔥🔥🔥
Briefly about the great trial
Ever dreamed him?
Um, the fuck?
Blurred just in case...
I'll always be here for you, Goslings
Is it too late to understand duy vật biện chứng?
New flags of SSR's.
He's cooked, isn't he?
Seems like a pretty relevant thing to remember right now
TFR China Flowchart [1.0.5]
Absolute dialetics
On this day 95 years ago, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born.
The Grave of famous revolutionary John Brown
Hear me out chat, someone should remake Loji on character.ai.
The another Soviet Union in 2001: aftermath of Korenizatsiia
On this day years ago, a future communist was born....
Chiyo has been arrested for nationalism and anti-soviet behavior!
why cant i find my followers and users i follow? bug or sth?
80 years ago, Kraków is liberated by the 1st Ukrainian Front troops in coordinated action with the 38th Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front.
50 years ago, Warsaw was liberated by the Red Army.
A Multipolar World in another timeline (1995) (Lore in the comments)