The guilt is killing me
I’m sad, a little scared, and feel stupid
Advice from a former catfish, ama
Why is life so unfairly good for some people?
I want to cry I'm so ugly
The Qualify Of Our Life Is PreDetermined At Birth
It doesn’t occur to me how people enjoy life, I think my brains just different
You have to love yourself in order to love others is bull shit
I tried to kill myself last Friday
I would’ve killed myself a long time ago if I knew life would be like this.
New youtube comment section layout? like or not?
I attempted suicide because of this
I have a question
Pretty people saying "looks don't matter" is not only annoying it's offensive.
Feeling suicidal overdosed lately
This is the solution to many problems.
This discussion has to be done
Please can we have this discussion.
I wish I was white so badly
This must be said let's have a discussion about this
CMV:This has to be said
Please we need to talk about this.
Talking about heavy subjects
Please we may have this discussion sorry.
This must be said