Why couldn't out President be like this guy?
To all girls in US, I'm so fucking sorry
So like... did anyone else read the executive order, like actually read it cus... its crazy.
Major Breaking News: Whitehouse said new anti-trans passport rules won't be retroactive, only affects renewals
White American transfem wlw dominance here
This is gonna sound made up, but please hear me out.
From Bathrooms to Backpedaling: Trump’s Trans Gaslighting
How did you pick your new name
After Texas banned puberty blockers and hormones for trans kids, adults lost care, too
[Aus] Victoria Police invited to Midsumma Pride March, despite attacking protestors last year.
tired of being misgendered by ppl that have only known me post-transition :,)
As a transfem, am I wrong to dislike being represented by bearded people in dresses?
Asked *the* question during Thanksgiving dinner.
Anyone else here went from being “fine” with their AGAB to not being fine with it at all and eventually being secure with their identity as the opposite gender?
I DID IT!!!😆
How to counter people telling you to ignore dysphoria and just learning to accept yourself
Is it rare for trans folk to want bio kids?
I missed a dose by 1 hour and 15 minutes what's gonna happen? [MtF]
Got called a princess today
Thanks to all your help I think I recognized a wrong number scam.
How is every trans woman a super genius???
Automated extensions, scripts, bots, etc violate Vine terms and are unfair
I think I got clocked by Steve-o? 😂
J.K. Rowling attacks another Black cis female athlete with anti-trans hate