Which console should i get
Dexter coulve met rudy?
For the life of me i cant decide between these 2 xbox's
There is a penny stuck in my ps5 disc drive
Which xbox console i should get
Is eneba for Xbox game pass and Games on xbox like Rdr2/ GTA V good to buy?
Switchin from Ps5 to xbox and cant decide what color?
I’ve never cried harder in my life
Guys why does it say GTA V Legacy?
I am trying to hide my xbox in a nightstand to keep it away from children!
Should i get the Xbox series X or Xbox Series S?
There is a penny stuck in my PS5 DISC DRIVE
Gotta hide my xbox S/X
About to switch to Xbox
John marston is stupid.
About to switch from Ps5 over to Xbox series X
What Collab wit the MTA.
As a Highschooler!
If spiderman existed Irl, would New yorkers love him or hate him?
A Game idea?
We Rockin wit a Trevor/Micah type of main character?
100% RDR2 is up there with conquering a village of buff children
MTA gotta lock in
Class of 27' asking!
Why is Arthur's eyes like that?