3 month old kitten soft serve and slightly bloated (no worms)
I ruined my family by calling CPS
AITA for breaking off my engagement with my fiancé because of his creepy comments toward my 14-year-old sister?
PSA: For those with cars who’s don’t do winter driving
Which countries are supportive for vet students and younger immigrants?
When people say there's no animal in Sly that's non humanlike I just wanna :
Medications that don’t make you lose your “sparkle”?
To all those who said Cornell would get better, it didn’t.
Friendships with ADHD
I found out someone I thought was a friend has been body shaming me for a year tw: bed
is a pet in your life helping you or not?
I found out someone I thought was a friend has been body shaming me for over a year TW: Bed
My friend has been really distant and I can't help but wonder why?