How to pronounce greek Κ
Do you know many other russians who use reddit?
How to pronounce my name in russian?
Has anyone else heard about Apple potentially adopting XRP into Apple Wallet?
All my videos in my playlists were replaced
What are some good rock bands (and songs) from Greece ?
What kind of greek is this?
Oh come on Duolingo
Σ' αγαπώ or σ' αγαπάω ?
Different pronunciation of 'ει'?
Two differnt sounds of 'γ χ κ λ'
Greek news channel on youtube?
When to use œ or ø??
Whay does <<подпасть под каток>> mean?
Weekly Friends / Followers Thread
Question about por ti / para ti
Вы красивая or красивы?
How come 'в этот момент' not ´в этот моменте'?
Господу or господа?
What's up with Sayid's Arabic?
Two Simple Pronunciation questions.
Can anyone explain me how´то' works?
Simple question: 'ФУ' - is this a thing?