rotten boy miku(o), commissioned by a friend
What’s our compatibility?
now that we're 1 month in, what's the gap between your most & 2nd most scrobbled artist of the year?
When you tell someone youre an of Montreal fan and they ask, Who?
Songs that are 10+ minutes long
Genre in the title that isn't the genre of the song
My first 5x5 on this subreddit, in this case from January.
my january 2025 5×5 🥳
Songs mentioning natural numbers (in order)
Explain your favorite songs but really badly
Recent kevin stuff i havent posted in a minute ,,
Your other favorite bands
I've been thinking about this lyric a lot lately... even while drawing dragons and swords lol
dnd alignment chart of the 9 albums i've listened to so far, based on my own thoughts/lack thereof
What’s the most you’ve listened to an album?
Something just happened (/ref)
What the Hell is wrong with Kevin?
Just Like Heaven official/full lineup
Dreamt some dude was getting chased by women with Eyeball-Fingers, due to him insulting them.
Intimidated by discography?
Best album ever won (obviously) so now DAY 4: "Mental breakdown" vote in the comment section and HIT that subscribe button and RING that bell
The obvious pick won soo now DAY 3: "Overlooked masterpiece", comment who has more votes wins bla bla bla you know
How compatible are you with me?
My brain is a bully.