New Tank, light screen background makes things pop
Tailspot cory fry have grown!
Freshly planted 🌿
Feedback on hardscape--any tweaks?
Just a worry-hippo and his bear
Is this considered child labor?
Long time knitter, first time crochet-er
My little slice of the Amazon River basin
Day 0 fry, Corydoras caudimaculatus
Caught my bristlenose flaring
My slice little of the Amazon basin
I helped rescue these Endangered Rhinoceros Iguanas from the black market!!! Someone was trying to smuggle from USA to China!!!
Wtf is this?
What is the name of this stem plant?
Any advice appreciated: Losing a fish per day!
C. hastatus spawning!
Anyone else's leachie like to have a chat?
Progressed from books
New pair of Lagos Red
I need a new filter!
Pleco advice
Syngonium Podophyllum (Arrowhead Plant) semi-aquatic tank plant option?