A message from Pierre
"Americas military/nato protects Europe while Europe then spends the money on healthcare and education"
Europeans suck balls
There is so much cool stuff up today
When I was at school someone did a fart during the 2 minutes silence on rememberance day....
Removed from Disney+
Barry, 63: luv me argent energy ate doom slayer, not raysist just dunt like im, simple as
Do British people hate Americans from the South for some reason?
Photos of Frank while he was a marine
“American Italian food is better”.
Captain America has to clear the last video game you played
Favorite episode
It’s the squeakin weekend
Will Doom Eternal ever have a sequel?
"The European mind is simply unable to comprehend the 1992 Hooters 500."
maykr gaming [OC]
Let's compromise
Has FG ever insulted your own state/country? Here’s mine👇
What is your dream aircraft to spot?
I love this frame....
"The EU should not go unpunished for the exploitation of the USA"
Our cities are as big as your countries
"USA could take over Europe easily"
"if US decides to take it it will take it"
“We Know, hence the reason the Americans had to bail you out… TWICE!”.