Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #142 - 2024 in retrospect
Graphs from a recent ~15 player multiplayer campaign I was apart of
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #141 - What’s next after 1.8
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #140 - 1.8 post-release thoughts
AI was fed up with pretending to be incompetent
Update 1.8 | Victoria 3
Luxembourg forms the European Union
"There is no greater oxymoron than Baden Baden"
I think it can be safely said that we are all losers in the great game this time
States That Make Sense has released!
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #137 - The 3D Art of Pivot of Empire
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #135 - The 2D Art of Pivot of Empire
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #134 - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Map
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #133 - British Indian Caste System and Social Hierarchies
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #132 - Pivot of Empire
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #131 - Famines, Starvation, Harvest Conditions
Warhammer Day Preview: New Battleforces
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #130 - Political Movement Radicalism and Civil Wars
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #129 - Discrimination Rework
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #128 - Political Movement Rework
I know a lot of people don't like how big the buildings are on the map, but personally, if the game is going to let me build a ridiculous Hive City London, I'm okay with it looking like a ridiculous Hive City
Ah yes. The natural enemy of America.
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #127 - Bulk Nationalization and Companies Building Ownership
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #126 - Update 1.8 Overview
Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #125 - Hot Bug Summer