My Boyfriend is Upset i won’t put him on the Mortgage.
Ditching the smartwatch.. Best way to track workouts without the Oura ring?
Stanley Kubricks The Shining
My girlfriend and I are tripping on acid. AMA.
Why did I get this? Ring reading aberration?
Not Sure What to Do
My Grandma just died and i don’t know what to do
What's a good movie to watch when u are feeling angry and burnt out by life ?
What's something that's normal to us now, that in 50 years people will look back on us as barbaric?
AITAH for „ruining“ my bf’s birthday dinner cause I didn’t accepted to pay for everyone?
AITAH for considering divorce over my wife’s ex behaviour
I do t know what to do
Which facial hair looks best?
I went to Turkey and had gastric bypass surgery and didn't tell anyone.
DAE have an unorthodox way of masturbating?
19M Laying in bed AMA, literally anything I’m up to answer whatever to pass time
What TV show absolutely nailed it's finale?
This is one of the greatest shots in cinema.
What was a huge trend 10 years ago that feels totally forgotten now?
6 month progress 47 years old just over 80 lbs. 325lbs to 252lbs
I want to see Hailee steinfeld in a Nolan movie
The Saturnian System in Daylight With My Telescope
Downgraded today
A Question About the Opening Sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark
What is something that will instantly make you horny?