Those running the TMM 42k tomorrow, what are your pacing strategies given that the weather is predicted to be warm?
To everyone running TMM
GPS watches for running.
Help me with my itinerary: Any gems in South Bombay to visit?
Completed my second marathon today
How much mileage is in your training plan? This plan peaked at 50 miles per week. I run 4x per week for reference. Tempo, speed, easy run, long run.
Run Playlist
Current Shoe Rotation, What's your shoe rotation?
Last long run of 2024
Runs in Jan 2025
First international trip to Vietnam
Study partner
made it to 80k volume
Bought these 2 months back from Japan. My friend asked me for the product details, not sure. Can anyone help ?
any runners in noida?
Ran the Pink city half marathon today
Who are your favourite non Tamil actors
Unplanned 50km in the bank.
saw this on fb, had me crying
What do you all Say?
Want to try out Saucony. Any idea about stores which sell them?
Philly Marathon - I collapsed at mile 23 and I'm trying to find out who helped me
CIAL is the 8th busiest Airport in India
Nike Quest 6
send memes (dump collection here)