Can some help in telling me if this is a good first pc for gaming
The skin color has been chosen! He's the color of a Thermonuclear bomb. Next, the hair (or he can just be bald idk)
Best Prebuilt Gaming PC
Give your avatar and I’ll give Charles opinion on them.
Give me your avatars and I will tell you what game genre they would be in and if they would be a playable character or not
Can they PLEASE call it mario Kart 9
Master hand?
Looking for avatars to draw!
Giving your Avatar their own Song
Give me your avatar and ill give you a haircut (or hairstyle) to your avatar
I want to give feedback. Positive feedback.
Hw d brs fll fr ths
Gimme your avatar and I’ll give them descriptive ways on how they’d die
Giving you JJK sorcerer grades based on your avatar (image kinda related)
Which TDS tower is your avatar gonna be?
picking a metal/rock song that reminds me of ur avatar (if i cant pick a song i’ll just give your avatar a subgenre of rock or metal)
first 2 or second 2, ya'lls choice
on a scale of one out of ten, how attractive your avatar will be for this little troglodyte?
I’ll draw your avatars REALLY REALLY badly
Show me your avatars and I'll try to find something similar
Describing ways your avatar will die from
Radical Purpose. Chapter 2: Death to the Flames.
Uh oh, Squirtle needs a face now! Can you help?
Here is the art as promised!