Wait ..... let him cook
Destiny believed he could easily pass a sample bar exam to prove he could just as easily become a lawyer, but rage-quits after failing to answer a single question
Zachary Levi Says Supporting Trump ‘Was More Important Than Saving My Career’: Hollywood ‘Is Falling Apart’ and ‘Won’t Be Creating Jobs For Me in a Few Years Anyway’
Joe doing kettlebell workout has so much more comedic value than his stand up
After threatening to fight him yesterday, Destiny asks his chat for Kuihman’s doxx
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Trump’s No. 2 Man at FBI Once Said All He Cared About Was ‘Owning the Libs’
Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan and Hans Kim on the next panel?
Sen. Smith isn't running for re-election, gives zero fucks
AITA for telling my mom that she’s obsessed with work ?
He just wants to legalize comedy because he knows he is such a freaking joke…
He’s high on ketamine laced with our Social Security
Libs getting off on Trump voter regrets is the saddest type impotence porn.
Hopefully this gets to Jon, and helps him smell the roses on his old pal Joe Rogan
Epstiny is SO OVER talking about Ethan Nukes! Dan still glazes tho!
Jerry Seinfeld to fan who asks him for selfie: "I Don’t Care About Palestine"
Joe always tells the story about how his mom was on food stamps when he was a kid, how can he simp for this guy on a daily basis
Sexpestiny on his Self Defense/Guntuber Arc!
Dave meets RFK Jr.
Concept Art | Ilya Baydin
"I always stand behind our President, because it's safer than standing in front of him" - Karoline Leavitt
Nobody knows what's going on. Cool.
I talked with MAGAs. Please Read.
Question for Ex Dgg
Lex Fridman: "I love fighting. I've been in street fights my whole life. I'm as alpha in everything I do as it gets."