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What would be a good double major with psychology?
Admitted to Harvard!!!!
GenX women - where do you buy your clothes?
So apparently the railing was not just worn out and it was actually 20+ years of child hand dirt
How to get hired?
Pressure to market program(s) we teach?
Which 1980s song made you rewind over & over because you couldn’t you get enough of it?
Amsterdam wins Orange! What city is yellow?
Is there any way to see North Dakota death certificates for free online?
Tweakerville Hotel
How many miles do socks last?
How not to run a marathon
What massively improved your mental health?
How much is it to park on Mpls campus as an undergraduate student for an academic year?
What is you favorite song with a number in it?
What were your symptoms before you found out you had gallbladder stones?
What are considered home luxuries today?
Anxiety in the afternoon.
Looking for Italian food in the suburbs
Working through 1st Step exercises made me disgusted with myself
How many generations ago did your family stop speaking a foreign language after immigrating into the US?
Anyone else genuinely love this heinous monstrosity? The Spruce Tree Building on Snelling and University 🌲
Rock songs with violins?
people who have had their gallbladder removed!