• Survey Says!! …
I guess this guy wasn’t lying after all.
Another one
What's your FOREVER Horror Movie?
Why Is Reddit Losing It?
Reddit current.
Man attacks BJJ blue belt and finds out quickly (Street fight)
Ok Canada.
Lovely message from a very sane redditor!
Some fusion noodling on a Sunday morning with a vintage Ibanez Jem.
How incredible is this? You love to see it.
Why fly the mexican flag if you are interested in being a citizen? Also “No human is illegal on stolen land” and “The Pilgrims were undocumented!” are incredibly stupid lines of thinking.
of a dad body
What did I say? Lol
Disgusting national tradition
NGD - Mint 1999 JEM77FP!
jcb vs hati😲
Some fusion noodling on a Sunday morning with a vintage Ibanez Jem. (Still working on my picking)
Do you think Lady Gaga is sexy?
Still working on it. Vai- for the love of God.
He really showed them
The terrorist left are starting to organize.
Additional pics ibanez jem nagel graphic