My dad is about to cut down the pet cemetery tree because it blocks his TV signal
How did you come out to your transphobic immigrant parents? How did they react and how is your relationship now?
How to stop yourself from cutting your hair at "masc mode"
doll face 💋
Describe your gender:
Just found out im gay
hi. i think i might be trans. i dont know where else to talk about this.
recent lewk
Am I crazy?
DAE only realize what gender you are that day once you hear a gendered term?
Do you think trans acceptance is dropping across all demographics?
Surgery date postponed because US is sillyyyy
NSFW Character AI Issues
What's your favourite thing to be called in each of your genders?
Why are people so insistent on calling trans men twinks/femmes.
What race do you like playing as the most?
Small rant: "I hate men" people are transphobic
what's the funniest joke you've made about your sh
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen at gsu
I always get suicidal on my period and everyone says that’s not normal
Does anyone else like it when mtfs and ftms visit eachothers subs?
What exactly is gender fluidity?
UHS Ceo shooter did anti-psychiatry no favors
Why do u keep going on