These images made me think of my years in psychosis, all twenty-three of them. Such powerful drawings, I must say. What are your thoughts? What feelings do they evoke in you, given that you are a survivor of the hell that is psychosis?
'Distorted', ink drawing by me
Are we doomed, so to speak?
American Looking to Convert
How do you feel about Trump’s presidency so far?
How is Elon Musk not cancelled yet because of his latest unhinged behaviour of doing a nazi salute twice in the White House while on stage?
Did anyone ever become the ‘heroic psychotic,’ a particular manifestation of psychosis where the sufferer thinks that they are vastly morally superior to everyone else and where they actually do good deeds often?
Fellow NEETs, how would you rank your hatred, if any, towards the world according to the below six-point scale?
Gime? What’s a gime? … Oh! A gime!
This one really had me going.
To those that apply, what job(s) did you get fired from because of your psychosis? What happened? How do you feel about it, looking back? Do you feel relieved to know that your vocational failures aren’t your fault?
What’s going to happen to the many uninsured residents whose houses have been burned down in the recent LA wildfire incident?
Any 30+ neets here if you don’t mind sharing
Do you count the time from when you just got out of psychosis to when you realized practically perfectly the true scope of your psychosis (“The Great Realization”) as a waste of existence, almost just as bad as the psychosis itself?
I have to admit that I had been set up for rage but then it went away when I read the rest. Lol
My liking of the video game series Street Fighter helped me get out of psychosis. Allow me to explain. Also, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! Thanks!
My liking of Street Fighter helped me get out of psychosis! Let me explain.
Now that you are out of psychosis and have gone through your dark psychotic past, how many times per day, on average, do you experience flashbacks of your psychotic past these days?
Did your psychotic episode ever get to the point where your psychotic behaviours were negatively affecting businesses in your area or thereabouts?
We need to dispel the idea that just because you say inconvenient truths about Islam, that you are not criticizing it as some wine critic would to a glass of bland Chardonnay, but you are just being relevantly and critically truthful, as any rational person would be. You’re being objective.
In total, I have lost the following amount of time to psychosis …
Given that you are ugly and that your life will very likely not go anywhere near as smoothly as your typical good-looking counterparts’, what keeps you going?
These verses blew mind. The simplicity and power of the words of the Buddha are indeed remarkable! What are your thoughts?
Is there anyone here who actually is afraid of taking part in special moments because of what their OCD will do to them in such moments?
You know, coming out of psychosis is nothing like this scene from The Matrix. However, reaching once and for all what I call ‘The Great Realization’—a state of mind where a survivor of psychosis gains a nearly perfect understanding of what their psychosis did to them—is comparable, I have to say.