Zato što oni to zaslužuju
Evo ga. Podnosi ostavku 100% uživo na RTS, razuman je on i dobrodušanbpre svega. A od početka i sam zna da nije nadležan
Da li bojkot velikih lanaca može dati rezultat kome se svi nadamo?
Dozvoljeno voziti neregistrovano vozilo do mesta gde će biti registrovano?
Anyone else love being watched or the idea of being watched while having sex?
Koliko kosta dobro letovanje za dvoje?
What are the top 3 things you look for in your partner?
What are the qualities of your perfect partner ?
Any alternative for Omegle (text, no video)?
Your biggest fear that a lot of people think is weird
What kink/fantasy do you have that you think might not be that common?
Korupcija Ubija
Super rare NSFW genie from the lamp appeared at your home. He will grant you 3 wishes - what are you picking?
Coptic Christian resistance Fighter helps liberate a mosque in Khartoum alongside his Muslim counterparts
Harem Girls - Аладин (RTS)
RTS - vaše pravo da znate sve o dreg kraljicama koje su se prijavile za Evroviziju (emisija bila oko ponoći)
When was the last time that you had to use morning after pill?
Whats is that one thing that you absolutely hate about porn movies?
Da li znate srpske primere smesnih imena??
Sutra je protest penzionera, šetnja od Trga republike do Studentskog trga, hajde da ih podržimo dobri ljudi
Da li bi neko hteo dve karte za Dragos Comedy show u Beogradu 8.2.2025.?
Bolnica Vršac, juče, danas
People who are heavily involved in ONS (one night stand) culture, whats your reason/biggest turn on there?
Коју ствар из српске историје народ слабо познаје а мислите да би сви требали знати?