What quality of life updates would you like to see in future updates?
GESUNDHEIT Darum ist es so schwer mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören
Yes I Learned My Lesson Duolingo
So much uranium used, so much uranium waste made, yet no Depleted Uranium ammo?
Wie kommen solche Gleisnummerierungen zustande?
Has anyone done the maths on a pure lizard doggo run?
2000w module aber 800watt Einspeisung
You can only hit one (fixed the meme)
My husband managed to increase my hatred of gas pillars hundredfold
Mach 20 hypercannon
How do you y’all survive at work the next day?
Hexagons are Besatagons
Music's effect on my walking pace.
Ok this is a new one. What the heck happend to this river?
Conveyor lift sometimes 'disconnects' (explanation in my comment)
Refrigerator meme
What material do you think the mk6 belt will be made from?
Metal / Rockläden in Dortmund?
The only "st" Trump isn't is honest
I'm digging these songs
Which would you choose?
I'm worried right now
Anyone know what is this?
Box shaped tram @ Düsseldorf