Transferring Citadel colors to drop bottles
Tips on basing old AOBR deffkoptas?
Tried grim darking my killa kanz
Finally finished my Canz!
Too much weathering? (WIP, legs are not done yet)
Dream or Grim of Guilliman
My friends Breadnaught
Vallejo or Army Painter or..?
Lads, I've a lot of Styrofoam, what can I do with it?
First time trying colored nmm Armour, thoughts/c&c?
Any thoughts on the nmm?
What poses for a nude live drawing?
Fork 'em over
The old Rat demon from Forgeworld, painted it when I was 12 I think, right after it came out! (Including nasty pestilence ridden Rat balls)
Just finished my Koptas. Not sure about them
First time NMM, had some troubles with defining the reflections but think I got the coloring somewhat right
Tried a little Nose art for da big bomb on my deffkopta
Some weird Orktyrs I made years ago, just found them again. (I know it's not 40k but didn't know where else to post them)
What to do with the middle one?
Chastity makes you sensitive?
Old Metal rat ogor I did as a test for a desert based clan and to train painting black skin
Colorscheme I did on a Stormvermin :) mostly training to paint armour
Sweaty after my run
Happy New Year!
Choose your size!