BRB going on Twitter or something
I'm fucked. Broken front sight
North Carolina could become the 30th constitutional carry state
Huge filling lunch for >350 cal
Does your family have an heirloom firearm that's been passed down through multiple generations? If so, what is it and how many generations?
So Hungry
My dad sent me this
Ak 102
Jack is Almost Complete - Guess What's Missing
EG STG builds by Warsaw Wood
My first rifle - DD MK18 - Acog TA44 optic - Surefire light
tired of it
Small volume haul, trying out some new (to me) items. The tortillas have become a daily staple.
Need help finding a drug / perscription medication please!!
Poly stock
What are the best underrated switch games you’ve played?
Can any of the new COA owners chime in on holster fit?
Don’t know how I did this on ambient. 450cal
Pyotr Serdyukov the lead designer of the VSS.
KP-9 finally looking good
Any place in town where I can buy fresh Thai chili peppers?
Popcorn seasoning
Nontraditional USA Breakfasts
How fast is muscle memory gained back?
Accessory hunt!