Is he okay
My clash of clans opened vertical with the new scenery!
They do care about all of the near Buzz title complaints
When that one extremely expensive cookie stock interest rate goes down to the point you can buy it
Buzz Lightyear is DEAD!
Bye Buzz Lightyear! You will not be missed!
You know the concept for Buzz Lightyear was cool, but the execution was horrible
dont do dat (typo on purpose)
Someone gave me a sock… and I deleted Brawlstars
Brawl Stars players going to master Buzz Lightyear
That feeling when:
I'm so happy
Orteil writing upgrade and achievement descriptions:
All Brawlers without a Hypercharge
Please help (insert crying emoji)
Gaseous assets is officially achieved
Help please😭😭
Petition to change the "Bonus rewards" from starr drops to coins
Collect with me.
Collect with me 😊.
Rant about this crap game
Never thought I’d see it again.
Name this game
Whoa, why are epic wubbox’s only 1 diamond today?