Oh no. Don’t look at your hand like that Eren - OH GOD!!
Was the Rumbling the only way? What else could Eren have done
Found this in my oil pan.
Someone who knows where this picture came from?
Picked this up on eBay for $50 it’s older than I am
The tides have turned
I LOVE CELESTE!!!!! I can't wait to put Celeste on all of these 😁😁😁😁
Stupid Drivers cause pileup
12TB Drives, Why so expensive?
The horse’s owner puts a prosthesis on his foot. His happiness is priceless! ❤️
My clutch stopped working. Found this spring fell out. Can I pop the spring back in and be ok to reuse everything?
Never have I thought this thing would shatter into dust
ive downloaded over 100 movies and have been using qbit for months and right now i cant find movies and theres just... porn and a lot of porn anyone having this problem?
4/2/2024 Nintendo Direct Predictions
Best way to set up my seedbox?
This was in response to Biden x Trump hentai. No joke.
I’m a bit disappointed
Fine line tattoo 2+ years later
Banana 🍌
Dynamic Island looks off
y’all wana see what some real damage looks like?
Was my first anime a good one?
I think his leg is broken.
AIO breakup up with my ‘boyfriend’ today
How much we accomplished in just 66 years
PSA to all tattoers. We really hate it when we lie half naked in your cold ass studios. Here are some ideas on how to heat up the place.