I got 20 kills with Krag-Jorgensen and Model 27 in 1m30s, I got really lucky here lol. Or maybe I finally started getting good after 800 hours of aggressive sniping
After 500+ hours of playing with a sniper rifle, I made a guide and tried to present it in a fun way. What do you think?
So I've played over 400 hours (188 rank) with Jungle Carbine and I am often accused of foul play.
I see that you guys really enjoyed my yesterday's clip, so I'm this is the second best killstreak I got in 1000 hours of gameplay.
A new Elf race
This is for sure the best killstreak I got for more than 1000 hours of gameplay.
OpenMW graphic features for real are so great. They contain so many settings in it, enough to make Morrowind looks updated. I'm just admiring this.
Me personally and my platoon have been getting a lot of accusations so I created a wall of fame
Too many of them son!
Khajiit has no time for you.
Cliff people elimination
What was that? Run straight into 3 squads? Affirmative
I'm a head collector
I came for your heads
a close fight
got some heads
played 1000 hours in the game playing as a sniper and made a small compilation of highlights. If you have any questions about the recon class - feel free to ask here.
I came to get your heads
I played 1000 hours in Battlefield 5 playing as a sniper and made a small compilation of highlights. If you have any questions about the recon class or sniper rifles - feel free to ask here.
oh hell yeah
guys were eliminated
Anti Japanese Force
10 shots - 8 frags. I hope someday I'll perform 10 of 10.
Island people have been eliminated
But I can't take my eyes off that scamp jerky