Question for those who are fully healed from all symphtoms
Post-flu symptoms
Period ???
Intense back ache with the flu?
Has anyone else had issue with their heart rate being *LOW* after Flu?
How long the flu lasted for me
I’m ready for it to end
Post flu nausea after eating?
Pins and needles Flu A
How did it start for you?
Resting heart rate
How long will this last?!
Tingling in hands and feet?
My hands and feet are tingling as if there's lack of oxygen
Tingling in feet/legs hands/arms?
Legs and arms tingling and numbness after covid
200lbs Lost!
what I wish I did while losing 130 pounds
Restless legs and nightmares while actively losing?
what was the straw that broke your back and finally put you on a better path?
F/29/5'4"[376lb>327lb=49lb]30 lost in 13 months 19 lost in last 5 weeks 25% to goal