Sometimes I string up some lavender as a warning to the other lavender.
Washington 8th grade math scores decline despite increased education spending
People who quit their jobs on the first day, what made you say, “I’m done with this”?
Seattle Aquarium lays off 12 employees
Help with marketing for Label printing industry
Why Every Business Should Have Its Own Radio Station
Looking for *that* Chinese place
Facebook Groups are Dead: 90% bot & Spam, 10% Actual Leads - Anyone else struggling?
This made me chuckle on my drive down Westlake Ave in SLU.
Why does it seem like so many clueless people end up running marketing teams or are seated in higher position?
My hotel flipped all of their sticker ratings upside down for a 1.2pt rating boost
Airport welcome signs in Hawaii
What is ONE USELESS FACT THAT everyone needs to know?
ELI5: Would hiding in the basement would be sufficient to survive such large fire like we are seeing in Palisade?
What are your "only in Seattle" moments?
The Hidden Risks of DNS Forwarding for Cold Email Outreach (and How to Avoid Them)
Unable to leave a mediocre review as a guest [Aus]
The medieval era is the equivalent of a cyberpunk future for the Roman Empire.
Fake luxury store prank proves Luxury is just a perception
Is it legal to pay an ex-employee of a competitor for access to information about how that competitor does business?
Why would a light bulb do this
Where can I rent a photo scanner?