Godskin noble ps4
Ps4 W: Searpunt Huntet H: not much maybe a club +3?
New friends
I finally got platinum guys. Love that NG++ is essentially a speed run to Drangleic Castle.
BOS 2 und WG Situation
Erasmus in kaiserslautern
Only sekiro left, anything useful to know?
Does anyone else find that one crow hella annoying
[PS4] covenant help/get helped
PS4 covenant help/get helped
Ps4 Covenant help/get helped
Covenant farming help/get helped ps4
Anybody wants to help me and get helped with covenants?
To me, best souls and similar rpg games are the ones that let me play and get good with my build rather than steer me a certain play style.
My proof covenant loot
What do you wish you’d known before starting Dark Souls II?
Why is online so active rn?
Do I get my gamer card yet
Anyone else kid do this?
New player (originally a souls game player)
Pyromancie build ng and higher?
Beat dancer first try and I feel nostalgic
i dont like the fact that enemies attack way faster then previous games.. its tough
Fun things to do
Need help in the snow hell