How do you cope with life being so impure? Nothing seems to make sense
Why do we not blame Sophia?
What does “all is mind” mean exactly in hermeticism
Does ACIM hold room for open interpretation
Can Christianity exist in a simulated universe?
Is there only one dreamer, or is all of humanity dreaming the material world
What does ACIM’s happy dream mean to you?
Is life a dream, exactly like the ones at night? Other people have no experience?
The Matrix was a Documentary -- The Simulation is User-Created - I'll explain it so fast you can't handle it.
Does anyone else here believe in this?
Is the REAL WORLD, spoken of in ACIM, a reality we ascend too or is it a healed perspective of our mis-creation
If there is only one consciousness and that consciousness chooses to experience itself...
Had a dream
Physical Reality is a dream.
When God wakes up is the dream over?
Question about Sophia.
Does becoming conscious of the dream, change the reality?
What career can be chosen as someone labeled "high functioning."
Is there a void?
The void
Is it even worth it to make friends in this prison planet anymore?
Is an entry-level job in student financial aid, hard?
Do flat earthers believe that aliens could exist
Where was the dreamer, before the dream took place
If we are God dreaming, does this mean God has been dreaming for billions of years?