H: All other 4-star mods W: 2 Rejuvenator's mods
H: Reflective W: Pin-Pointer's
H: 2 Reflective mods W: Pin-Pointer's mods
H: Reflective mod W: 2 Pin-Pointer's mods
H: 2 Reflective mods W: Ranger's mods
H: 2 Reflective mods W: Rejuvenator's mods
H: Weenie wagon plan learned W: To build them at your camps for 500 caps each
H: 6 Reflective mods and 1 Rejuvenator's mod W: Ranger's mods
W: Pin-Pointer's H: Bruiser's, Electrician's, Encircler's, Radioactive-Powered, Reflective, Stabilizer's, and Viper's
W: Pounder's H: Bruiser's, Electrician's, Encircler's, Radioactive-Powered, Scanner's, Stabilizer's, Viper's, and most other 1, 2, and 3-star mods
H: Dr. Bones plan x2, Giant Red Dinosaur plan x2, and Princess Backpack plan x2 W: Stable Cobalt, Crimson, and Yellowcake Flux
H: Dr. Bones and Princess Backpack Plans W: Stable Violet Flux
H: BOS Jumpsuit, GSB, GSBQ W: Assorted flux (no violet)
H: BOS Jumpsuit, Fasnacht GHB, GBD, GSB, GSBQ, Glowing Alien, Glowing Pig, and Glowing Robot W: Assorted stable flux (no violet)
H: Anti-armor, Bloodied, Quad, Two Shot, Rapid, and V.A.T.S. Enhanced mod boxes W: Luck and Repair Bobbleheads (10 bobbleheads per mod box)
H: Anti-armor, Bloodied, Quad, Two Shot, Rapid, and V.A.T.S. Enhanced mod boxes W: Luck, Repair, and Explosive Bobbleheads
Xbox Big Bow Giveaway
Iron sights better than glow sights now
H: Fasnacht Brahmin x2, Buffoon x2, Crazy Guy x2, Deathclaw x2, Demon x1, Raven x2 W: q50vhc15c Level 50 Fixer
H: Glowing Unicorn Mask W: AA50vhc15c Level 50 Compound Bow
H: Motorized butter churn & Beeswax candle plans W: offers