Rehabbing mechanical keyboard
All these no-mech 40+ players with brains - and then there's me. I am 45, dumb as a bag of rocks, but I know where the spinny button is
Name a video game
Im eating Lox for a while...
When you're one single minor inconvenience away from snapping
Anything I can do regarding viewerbotting?
Freeze when Alt tab ingame.
Thanks I hate spilling plate of breakfast food hat
My mom used to be afraid of my brother because he remind her of chucky
My movie moment 🦃
to cut the queue
Just openly being racist.
Parking like this makes me feel for my friends in wheelchairs
This PUBG TROLL Survived using only MedKit! Roaches like this can survive anything 😂
Community game night players
Roommate gets mad when someone shits
Were you ever genuinely addicted to a game?
That time I mysteriously smelled burning and my water bottle facilitated burning a hole in my car
Thanks I hate this flatware
What Are Your Pre-Stream Habits?
What's something you did as a child because you didn't know any better that now you now feel bad about?
The cake pop I bit into was moldy
Trump wants to borrow $20. Are you giving it to him?
Why was he coming so fast?
I have to know if I'm crazy, eating on stream, yes or no?
Walmart Employee accuses customer of stealing