Offering and Looking for. Cant fly. ❌✈️
Looking for: Lunala, Solgaleo and Shiny Necrozma Backgrounds. Offering: cosmog and more
Looking for shiny legendary/costume, offering shiny scarf umbreon little league CP
Looking for shiny galarian birds. Offering below
New player here, found a Mirror of Kalandra. Questions
Which staff is better and why?
I’m never using this gobblegum again
What Do You Think of Citadelle Des Morts?
What hybrid should I get and work on next?
Since Pred is a FA now, hear me out...
Preds Tweet post stream
Decreased visual recoil doesn’t decrease skill gap, just makes the playing field fairer
Offering bg shiny necrozma and others. Looking for galarian zapdos shiny
Get higher griefing
How to improve my visuals?
I Need Damn reward For This 😭😭
This game sucks
Am I being manipulated?
Herpes girl saga
I think I found one in the wild..
Controller advice
Guy I went on a date with won’t leave my apartment
SBMM is a Diamond players nightmare.
Honeymoon over: Keir Starmer now less popular than Rishi Sunak