I have a new dog, what should i name him?
I will eternally be a Light Yagami hater
I think the anime ending for light is better than the manga one
Favorite snake-associated character? (Art by @Chris-theKid)
(as far as I know he hasn't actually yet spoken out about the critisicm the track's gotten, but this is how I imagine it)
Am I the only one that thinks that the set up for the relationship is good.
Brother from another mother
“It’s hard to show battle damage in 3D fights! Kratos didn’t need to have battle dama-“
Homelander realizing he did more damage towards his Opponent compared to Asura
The Virgin Bruce vs the Chad Jason
Unfunny/Overused Spongebob meme regarding a recent complaint of Kratos VS Asura
Naruto is Influenced by his favorite Manga early on and desires to become a Spider Man. Hiruzen surprisingly indulges him
[Prompt] Asura is in Naruto's head with Kurama
A character loses so much in pursuit of their goals that we're left with the depressing understanding that it probably wasn't worth it
Why are featman fans harassing Bruno now? Are they stupid?
I apologize for the last post to everyone who saw it. I was in a very bad headspace because of events that took place yesterday
I hate just how much the “feats” Death Battle claims he can do change with context.
Nadutoooo!!! SASUKEEEEEE!!!!!!
50 Members - Appreciation Post
AAANNNNDDD We’ve Already Got Motherfuckers Accusing Death Battle of Western Bias!
I just made a new character for the Aslume! What should I name him?
Which of the 4 main Uchiha from Shippuden was your favorite?
They can't "save" Star Wars, buddy. They can only do the opposite
Naruto vs Kiba is bad