If your child was named the name you were obsessed with when you were little, what would it be?
4 years of IVF. I know it all AMA
Husband and I are wealthy and own private jets and luxury vehicles AMA
Help QC Chanel classic flap
💕Daily RepChat 🗣️🍵!!: What did you buy💳? What’s on your Wishlist📃? What buys do you regret🥹? ALL Topics Are Welcomed!!🙌😎💕
Help me to QC mini CF 20 from 187
Bag of the day 🖤🖤 this one’s giving everything it’s supposed to give 💅🏽😮💨
First bag!
This might be fun. What’s a wildly popular bag you just don’t like?
Has anyone bought a 187 Chanel bag?
Chanel fix?
Regretting this purchase now
Show me your pink Chanel bags
Any one recognizes this factory?
Best of 2024 purchase