cheap builds to all Gunsmith missions in operations
New deck with Skarmory seems OP
How do you beat this? New potential Skarmory aggro deck
Need help getting MX BIKES
Tier list patch 1.125 based on usage statistics for all game modes
Game just dropped two draft tokens into my inbox? Thanks WOTC
Top 15 characters with most manga panels time (Chapter 1-1067)
Sparks bouncing down and around as I grind a hydraulic cylinder.
I want to know about meta decks. I've heard mine is meta but I'm not sure. Any opinions?
This is the most racist community I've ever interacted with.
No COVID guidelines in game?!?!?
An AFK Arena meme on an AFK Arena template
I need a 4th formation for ch35
half.lucid.dreaming's Halloween comic. Collected from afkarena Instagram.
I regret blind rushing talene...
Engraving Rewind - ONE HERO ONLY
Solise + Ezizh in Ainz vs Ainz PVP
stargaze order
Oden from E+ to maxed in one go
I'm done with this shit event. And with the game itself as well quite probably.
Graveborn Engraving
Is it worth 5 stars Lucretia? I already have her, Alna, Twins, Talene, Ezizh, Athalia, Zolrath, Orthros, Khazard, Mehira ascended and 250k diamonds.
i have a 5 star rowan and a copy of a rowan E+. shouldn't it pop up on here?
Epic crowd before Green Day took to stage, Hyde Park 2017.
The Man help the baby dolphin. He's so kind.