There’s a random bush on fire in Sukhothai
Let's Play Spot the Actor (Only Spoils Who Is in the Show and Who They Play, Not What Happens)
Is this why they have all been so coy? This documentary has all the guys who have been saying "coming soon". I think they collectively agreed not to say anything until the trailers for this documentary dropped.
I love how Kay is all about scoring big and getting credits, but leaves so many freebies behind
Sabacc Update
West/East Turbolaser treasure icons not disappearing?
H: responders set W: 1k leaders
H: responders set and 3 reflective mods W: 1050 leaders for responders set and 400 for the 3 reflective
H: responders fireman set W: 1100 leaders
Will buying holotape games offers players complete the world collection challenge that requires you to collect 8 holotape games?
H: 1*, 2*, 3* and 4* mods (ask what ur looking for) W: bulk junk (screws, aluminum, copper, crystal, adhesive, Fiber optic, gold, gears, springs, plastic, nuclear waste, rubber, silver, ultracite, acid, oil, ballistic fiber)
Is there anything u unlock after upgrading Josie, axel and ineke to max level for milepost zero? Any new characters or items?
H: 2 reflective (both for 300), 3 rejuvenators (75 each), 3 rangers (75 each), tankys (50 each), pounders (45 each), polished (40 each), limit breaking (60 each) W: leaders
H: anyy mods you need for good deal, just ask me W: leaders
H: 5 reflective W: 750 leaders
H: gat plasma gamma wave emitter plan W: 30k caps
H: 5 reflective W: 800 leaders
H: Responders Fireman Set W: 1,100 Leaders
W: Reflective & ** Strength H: 175 Leaders
H: 10 vipers, 8 miasma, 7 battle loaders, 8 propelling, 8 combo breakers W: 15 leaders per
H: reflective, rangers, rejuvenators, sentinels, thru hikers and morre W: GB3 and TS9 Magazines
H: anyy mod you're looking for, just ask W: leaders
H: reflective, rejuvenators, rangers, pounders, polished and morre mods W: TS9, TS7, TS8, GB3 magazines
H: sentinels, thru hikers and arms keepers W: 30 leaders per