Smart lights with times
Updated Unreal Unearth Dante’s Inferno journey with all song recorded for UU
Unknown feeling
What’s a film that’s a great execution of a terrible idea?
Fibro deep dive, scientific facts to our own theories
Name that most gorgeous star that no one would mention other than you.
How many movies have you watched already this year?
Anyone symptom free?
The hozier effect
Traitors sleeping less than faithfuls.
“Anna has been through so much”
What's stopping you applying for next season?
Anyone going to the Leeds festival solo?
When did you know she was “the one”?
Heart rate raise during illness
valentine’s day ideas
Apparently some people don't know that Greek mythology features characters from outside of Europe - such as Egyptians, Aethiopians, Trojans, Amazons, etc...
fav song lyric?
Hymn to Virgil
Who is your dream Hozier collab, alive or dead?
Why do people think Hozier has any connection to lesbians?
How did y’all get/meet your gfs?
[Anti-Aging] Why are my eyes like this? Is there anything that can help?
Single people who live alone
What are some jokes that you don't get at all?