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Redditors, what better of founding a relationship dating apps or founding a date outside in public ?
Redditors, what you would order off McDonald’s menu ?
Redditors, who your favorite marvel character?
Redditors, what’s your favorite board game ?
What is your favorite food from your culture?
Redditors, what age did you have your first TOOTH pull ?
I’m happy that I got cheated on and don’t feel bad it 😊
Redditors, if you could have dinner with any historical figure. Who would it be and why?
Redditors , who’s your favorite Pokémon character?
Redditors, what’s the biggest thing you regret?
Redditors, if you going on a date what would you do or go ?
My fetish is being grip up by a real woman?
Redditors, who’s your favorite superhero?
My biggest fetish of them all is a dating a real midget woman
Redditors , what is your favorite animal?
Redditors, what’s your favorite tv show to watch?
Redditors, what the best toppings on a pizza?
Redditors , what your favorite ice cream?
Redditor, What the best fruit to eat ?
Redditors Why woman ignore good humble men?
Redditors, What the best coffee shop to start your morning?
Redditors,what was your favorite cartoon as a child?