Does anyone know why? 🤔
How bad do you have to be at spatial reasoning to think something like this? I truly pity these people
Blue shark candy
Pathetic cope + it's not the height, it's the attitude combo
Add your own caption to this one
Tobey hates Nazi's.
How are Flat Earthers still a thing?
Boys, which one are you?
YouTube has been recommending weird things lately
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Most likely just a coincidence but still interesting to think about..
What are you choosing?
Japan is just built different
Tally Hall reference in my history project
What's your streak
Posted to r/globeskepticism, a flat earther echo chamber that bans you for bringing any of their bullshit into question
Family Height Chart
This is nothing to be proud of anymore.
Had these printed up if anyone wants.
Do this for any fandom you’re in and let everyone else try to guess it.
"Photo from beyond the firmament" flat Earth slop
Comment your name but all but one of the letters are h.
Found this on r/youngpeopleyoutube
Donald Trump announces the U.S. government will only recognize two genders as of today