Trading Post is WAY too expensive!
Plunderlord's Fancy Trousers are currently bugged. Some races have the coat attached while others have it as part of the chestpiece.
The face tattoo replacements for night elves are a beyond sub-par drop in quality. Give us the old ones back!
How many more zones can Blizzard add?
I will probably not get any answers from here, but can anyone explain to me what to do on this quest?... For the past 3 days, I live in constant paranoia as to what this is. WOWHEAD has nothing on this
Can I still play on my old Mac ?
Tomatoes do not exist in World of Warcraft [Serious]
Immediate reaction: Meat Flower. Couldn't help myself.
The Lunch King hungers... For your sammich
it is i, lord of the corrupted dreadwing
question about free shadowlands mount
I am confusion