Let us all take a moment to appreciate Witcher 1 Zoltan
Was darfs sei Chef?
"I'm the most complete footballer ever."
Early reviews puts the game at 93 on Metacritic on PS5
Teslas Verkaufszahlen in den USA brechen ein
Yesterday, we showcased our lockpicking prototype. Now, here’s our idea to spice up pickpocketing! What do you think?
I love this game
Both are pretty valid reasons
What are some hidden gem subreddits that are criminally underrated?
Merz: Wer Daten bereitstellt, zahlt 10 Prozent weniger Krankenkassenbeiträge
Have you ever felt not hyrdated?
Name a single character better written than him
me irl
Welchen Promi, Politiker oder Person des öffentlichen Lebens könnt ihr grundlos nicht leiden?
"Realistisches" Rennspiel?
ich iel
Guys, could you all pitch in and send your favourite Messi pictures?
'Dragon Age isn't dead because it's yours now,' former BioWare writer reassures fans: 'EA/BioWare owns the IP but you can't own an idea'
4D chess move
Tolkien did not like cover art of Polish first editions
feedback on my Erasmus motivation letter
Pixel 7 pro camera deteriorate over time
What's the weirdest place you've masturbated?
Schalke optimistisch: „Mit 50 Millionen Eigenkapital würde sich Welt ändern“ | Transfermarkt