[XB1] H: B2525 Holyfire W: Offers
H:Mods and masks W:leaders or apparel
H: Pitt Misc set W: leaders
H: Legacy Salt of the Earth + Leather Coat + 3000 Leaders W: Honor Roll Misc
H: leaders/grolls W:b2525 EM OR HF or BE25/QE EPR
H:b5025 EM W:b2525 EM
H:mods W: Leaders
H: accelerated nozzle and stinging core plan and pink armor paint W:offers
W:glowing alien Robot mini pig and uni,and Tesla lobber H:leaders
H:4star Nuka shank W: offers
H: Unstable Mixture, Trench Meds, Trench Mask, Steel Ingots, Sealing Agent, Fanatic Battle Plans, Fallen Prisoner Collar, Chemical Contaminant W: leaders, or 600 for all 8
H:q2525 EPR W: B/QE25 EPR
H: q50c25 rail q2515r pepper shaker Q50c25 Radium, V50c25 EPr, Q2525 Epr Q50c25 epr, AA50c25AD uny/ap/htd heavy leather set qe15r lmg q2525 rail q50l15r tesla Vbash90 mini q50c25 fixer qe25 rail W: offers of all kinds
[XB1] LF ultra Cali shock mod. H: reflec, 3 ranger, 9 powered, 3 pyro, 2 pounder, 3 polished, 5 pin, 7 aegis,6 scanner, 5 sawbone, 300BG, 25 leaders, 70 dark nuka
What's going on with leader prices?
W:The action hero and legacy scout mask H: 5 reflective 5 rangers and 5 rejuvenators
H: 1-4 star, EPR, and gat plas mods. Big g bobbles W: leaders
[XB1] H: Leather Coat W: 2.1k leaders
H:1-4 star box mods and leaders W:Leather Coat
LF: leather coat H: leaders and 1-4 star mods
[XB1] H: Two TRADEABLE Unyielding Armor Sets. W: Leaders
Is anyone else worried about the raids?
Can you stop shooting the Nightstalker at One Violent Night?
High lvl vendors, what gives?