What game(s) can you beat without dying once?
New to Albuquerque and looking to meet some folks
Queer Night at New Game Plus!
In this scenario, choose one Box to play
What's your video game "I did not care for the godfather" take?
F-Zero Classic is back
TIFU not disconnecting my Bluetooth.
What online games are people playing these days?
What's your rating out of 10 for Super Metroid?
In Team Battle, spin attacking your teammates gives the team Skyway meter. Do you take advantage of this?
Loving my NT and Pocket, can’t wait for 3D.
What's the most disappointing game rental from your childhood?
7 IPS Vehicles outside my business.
What game do you feel you have mastered?
Doing really good, until you aren’t. 😌
Hit 500 today!
What's your opinion on Super Mario Kart for the SNES?
Webfishing Potluck at New Game Plus
Finally 100%'ed story mode on GX!! FInally completed all 3 difficulties!!!!
What non-nintendo character would you like to see in smash?
Classic Racers this morning ☺️
Food in F-zero?
Have you ever bought a console just to play one game? Was it worth it?
PS5 and Switch controller repair
For those of you who are old enough to remember getting the N64 back when it was still Nintendo's flagship console, what's your story?