H: Relative Value Sheet for Rare Apparel 2/1/25 W:Your Opinion?
H: Legacy Salt of the Earth + Leather Coat + 3000 Leaders W: Honor Roll Misc
H:Fo76 items W: RuneScape gold/items!
H: Bully, rangers, etc. W: pounders
Do any of you think a fas Brahmin mask and a white powder jumpsuit would maybe a good trade for a tattered field jacket
H: Glowing robot mask W: any offers
H:Rejuvenators mods W: quantum’s
H: x6 Aegis, x3 polished, x3 rangers, x4 reflective, x3 rejuvenates W: 50 Leaders ea
[XB1] H 5 reflective + Mods + 484 Leaders W glowing masks
H: TFJ w: 2200 leaders+ glowing Uni
H: 2200 leaders W: 2.5 GnB 9 to 1 leader
H:TSE 419 dragon W:Offers
H: mods W: energy / big gun bobbles
H: all the faushnaut masks W: offers with tfj and adds
H: 3000 Leaders. W: TFJ
H: pictured W: to know the worth
H: Rangers x6 W: 200 leaders
H: big/energy/small bobbles (50 per star) W: Aegis/ Rangers/rejuvenators/ Reflective (250)
H: mods W: leaders (10 per star)
H: 1 ageis, 1 polished, 2 tankys, 1 rangers, 1 pyro, 1 pounders, 3 reflective, 2 limit breaking W: canned coffee, sunshine oil, nuka dark, leaders, junk bundles
H: Pre-patch Elder's Marks and a Holy Fire W: Leaders? Apparel? 4-star mods?
[xb1] H 1-4 Star Mods W: Leader offers please 👍 reflective gone
H: 2 Leaders per W: Tesla Science 9 Magazines
H: Chems food plans mods weapons other belowW: mods caps offers
h: mods w: leaders will take other bobbles, apparel,fas masks glow or none glow