Does anyone know what this flag is near the bottom right? I’m starting to think it isn’t real
What flag is this on my shirt? I’m starting to think it isn’t even real
Does anyone know what flag this could be? I’m starting to think it isn’t real
Does anyone know what flag this is near the bottom right? I’m starting to think it isn’t real
Walking out of an exam that was completely reasonable but you know you still failed
When I’m in a “Make an exam nothing like the practice exam competition” and my opponent is the EECS department
Many people may not know what exposing their data online truly entails
I’ve seen this video a few times and was wondering… can Ian not take en passant and then defend his rook?
999 is terminated by gravity :(
removed for being ‘low effort’
meta post
Humblest apologies if this isn’t the right place to post this but what the heck just happened
I’ll have to add this to my repertoire
Garry Tries Go
Our boy is back in #2
Garry and Van ‘Go’
“The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man”
I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess
I am the creator of this sub AMA
I wish the paw could only respond in emojis.
You should feel terrible
Hide them.
Kowalski, Analysis!
Well said